Friday, May 2, 2014

I'm spitting mad

 I am spitting mad.  I want to scream and shout and be heard.

 This child of God
precious and perfect in His sight
is being starved, ridiculed, and neglected
to the extent that he lives on scraps
from the table
of raw bamboo.
never touched or held
living in a dark world
the people who are charged with his care

Would you join my this morning to pray for the children who are suffering today.
Children who have no one to call for help.  Children that have given up because their cries are not answered.  Children that are bedridden because no one feels they are worthy.  Children who are suffering from neglect and hunger.
Christians - this is a DAILY occurrence here in the USA and abroad.  Languages may be different and culture but children need love and they need us to act when we see this injustice. 
I am beside myself this morning with grief as I see lavish vacations, cars that cost more than a year salary, houses that have the best of everything. People who have so much and don't know or feel called to help those who don't.

 Jesus has called us to pick up our cross and follow him.  
The cross is heavy and we don't want to sacrifice ---
                                                      I want you to be convicted today. 
                                           Convicted that YOU will do something to help.

Money - time - prayer - mission trip--  PRAY about it and don't turn your back on children who are languishing in foster care or orphanages or homes that are less than suitable.   God is bigger than any of these and He will challenge you to MOVE for Him. 

Let me ask you a question --- Does the God you serve want you to seek material things of no eternal value?  Does He love you enough to fill you to overflowing when you do sacrifice?
 I'm begging you - Move for Christ today... 
Seek Him and pray how you can serve Him.  
These children have NO ONE else to count on but those of us
 who know what a Savior can do when there is no hope in anything else.


  1. Tears flowing as I read your post. My husband and I feel less than adequate for this calling of adoption.....but it is right! No child should suffer such shameful things while there are those who can help. :'(

  2. I have a young friend who loves Jesus and is called to study psychology, but she is afraid of strong feelings, and she feels so much - compassion for her own broken road, and compassion for so many forgotten people. I told her there is a way not to feel, but that way is not in the Kingdom.

    Jesus, break our hearts for what breaks Yours!
